Account-Based Marketing
ABM is only as successful as the targets you select—use highly relevant insights to build account lists with maximum potential

Account-specific intelligence is critical in ABM execution. Yet, when it comes to target account selection, why do so many companies build their lists based on generic firmographics or even just the simple desire to acquire certain logos? To maximize success, you need relevant account intelligence to pinpoint the right accounts you should be targeting right from the start.

Because ABM focuses your resources on a defined set of companies, even small misalignments can create big challenges—you need the most relevant insights to increase the impact of your ABM program
The profiles we got included the exact information the reps needed to be successful. It’s really focused our ABM program on the right companies.

We always encourage our clients to invest in finding the most specific insights possible about their target buyers, because the more customized the insights, the greater the competitive advantage they provide. In the end, the more you know about those you are trying to influence—their technology landscape, initiatives, pains and challenges—the more equipped you will be to drive better opportunities.

Our team has used the ABM insights to develop messaging tracks that will resonate with particular buyers based on their particular circumstances. As the relationship with the prospect builds, the more tailored the message is, the better. This helps us hone messages and plan future programs and content. It’s working—our current digital conversion rates are improving and we expect to see steady growth there as we continue to refine and perfect our outreach.

We now have insight into exactly who makes up our target audience, what’s important to them, and what they’re looking for. This will impact everything from our Web architecture to the kind of content we offer and how we position ourselves.